According to our research with 100 women, many often burn out or suffer chronic illness on their path to career success. Many face cancer, anxiety, can abuse substances, auto-immune disease or infertility impressing upon us a great need to revolutionise womens health by revisiting the way we look at womens body, minds and soul, as one unified system. So we asked our Muses – soon to be granted the Moussa Award, Women of Great Vision – granted the Themis Award – to nominate Health Thought Leaders – who we granted the Hgeia Award. 

Together with experts and innovators in oncology and great thinkers we explore new integrative health solutions that can sustain and restore health, integrity and dignity to the mothers of future generations who already face distinct chllenges to health living. 

The research findings are launching in The Biggest Lies Women Believe and the Women of Truth Book and we welcome new co-authors to write on Women who Crack the Mould the second research study on the new femininity and archetypes for Divine Feminine Leadership. 

We welcome global female leaders to join our global mastermind that meets online, travels globally and anchors in Cyprus annualy.

8:30am – 8:50am Registration 

08:50 am – 09:00am Women of Truth welcome by Helen Argyrou

09:00 am – 09:10 am: Welcome Address by Larisa B. Miller

09:10 am – 09:20 am: Keynote Dr. Patricia Torres – Roots & Rhythm

09:20 am – 09:30 am Keynote Rebeccah Steele ~ Emotional Freedom

09:30 am – 09:40 am: Keynote Dr. Criselda Kananda ~ Will to Power

09:40 am – 09:50 am: Keynote  Dr. Hanan Selim ~ Heart of Matter

09:50 am –10:00 am: Keynote Sophie Smit ~ Truth Telling

10:00 am – 10:10 am: Keynote Dr Shruti Nada Poddar – Nada Vibronics Vibrational 

10:10 am – 10:2 0am: Keynote Helen Argyrou –DQ Devotion  and Divine Intelligence.

Our speakers will be dressed by Atiya Khan 

10:25 am – 11:00 am GLAMBITION FORUM

10:25 am – 10:35 am:  Dr. Tina D. Lewis                          

Moderated by Dimitra Tsagaraki

With  Dr Hartini Osman, Dr Satnam Deuchakar,

Amy Lin, Anna Cortesi, Sharmilla Shiva Shakti, Veronica Sosa.  


11:00 – 11:20 TEA


11:20 am – 11:30 am: LEGACY FORUM


11:20 am – 11:40am: Nousheen Mukhtar – Visionary Leadership


11:40 am – 11:50pm: Personal Branding for Leaders with a Legacy – Elena Andreou

11:50 am – 12:15 pm Honoring Ceremony with Paola Savva 


MOUSSA – Honouring Inspirational Women :

Dr Shruti Nada Podaar, Assis. Prof. Tanja Bagar, Dr Patricia Torres

THEMIS – Honouring Women of Great Vision :

Viola Edward, Nousheen Mukhtar, Dr Satnam Deuchakar, Dr Hartini

Osman, Larisa B. Miller, Veronica Sosa, Dr Eline Pedersen.

HGEIA – Honouring Health Thought Leaders :

Dimitra Tsgkaraki, Hatice Ozalp, Dr. Hanan Selim, Rebeccah Steele,

Dr Criselda Kananda, Amy Lin, Sophie Smit, Anna Cortesi,

Amb. Adeshola Onadipe, Amy Lin, Sharmilla Shiva Shakti.

Awards designed by Helen Argyrou and LovenLight from Cyprus. 


12:15 pm – 12:50 pm Book Launch

Dr. Angelica Benavides presents the Lies to Legacy with the co authors fire side chat.

All  about the journey women make from Self Deception to 


 Viola Edward, Sarah Jager, Assis. Prof. Tanja Bagar, Hatice Ozalp, Sara Jager

12:50 pm – 13:1e5 pm: Book signing of

The Biggest Lies Women Believe and

The Women of Truth 

Health Innovation and THINKTANK

13:30 – 15:00 LUNCH

15:00 pm – 15:30 pm:  EMERGENCE


15:00 pm – 15:10 pm: Improved Patient Care with Dr. Pantelis Theocharou (U.S.A.)

A senior-level industry Executive in C-level roles and a cancer immunotherapy expert, creative and entrepreneurial attitude has led multiple Haematology/Oncology assets in clinical development. 


15:10 pm – 15:20 pm: Health Innovation with Assistant Prof. Tanja Baga (Slovenia) CEO and Chairman of the Expert Council of the International Institute for cannabinoids and deputy director of research, development and trade and  head of research and development in an environmental company. 


15:20 pm – 15:30 pm: Conscious Cancer Program (C) Dr. Sangeeta Sahi (U.K., India) Post humanist medical Dr./ Founder, Consultant at Genuine Human Being/ Founding President Unified Human Foundation UK, USA, India, Australia. With over 23 Years of Success in Health, Longevity and Regeneration Globally


3:30 pm – 4:10 pm:  Reimagining Nutrition with Carol Talbot

Focus Group facilitated by Carol Talbot and Helen Argyrou THINK TANK


Focus Group facilitated by Dr Jawad Moustafa online livestream feedback circle


4:30 pm: Live stream


450pm: FInal Conclusions and Closing 

Book Your Ticket Now !!


5:30-6:30pm Dance with the Planet and Dr Patricia Torres 

Where to From Here :

Network with Us and Women of the World Network, 18 June 6pm cet

Learn about our Linkage with LEAD IMPACT Mastermind on 20 June

Join Our Experts and Academics and Coaches in an Online THINK TANK, ask us how

Our A.H.A. Accelerator, to build your online and offline Visbility see below  

With Deep Gratitude

To Our Sponsors

To Our Supporters

With Special Thanks to our Cyprus Supporters

Elevate Your Destiny with our
A.H.A. Accelerator and Mastermind

Spanning almost a decade, Helen Argyrou established Yinalithea and now the international version with now 

– Five Women of Truth Conferences – 

The platform has now hosted  over 300 interviews and almost a hundred summits, classes workshops and seminars on psycho-social support for women and their greater vision for their life.  

Our Original Leader Speakers from Cyprus